Noisecare mounted in private garden facing the road


Noise and commotion can quickly become overwhelming and be a major disturbing element in your own private garden – especially if the noise comes from a nearby road.


Noisecare Absorb noise fence was the solution

For this household, which lives up against a major road, Noisecare absorb was the solution.
Their new Noisecare noise fence will help to reduce the surrounding noise by as much as 18 dB!
This means that this household both has a nice fence, but also greater silence in their own private garden.


Noisecare Absorb and plants

A Noisecare noise fence and its modules are beautiful in themselves – and are available in many different colours, sizes and heights. However, this homeowner has made the noise fence even nicer with climbing plants.

This planting gives the noise fence a natural and visually attractive appearance, without compromising on the noise fence’s capabilities.


If you don’t have green fingers and you want a lighter form of covering for your noise fence, then we have the solution.
The solution comes in the form of wooden cladding in different colours, and you can see the large selection here.


Would you like a Noisecare noise fence for your private garden?

If you would like to get your hands on a Noisecare noise fence, contact one of our partners in your local area, or contact us and we will find a good solution just for you.